Campbell County Christian Learning Center
Released Time Bible Education
Donate by Credit Card, PayPal,
or Bank Transfer below.
PO Box 256
LaFollette, TN 37766
Phone: 423-377-5696
Tax return and 1023 are available upon request for public review at the Executive Director's office.
Thank you, 2020 Gala Agape Sponsors
Diamond $5,000 or more
Cox Construction https://coxconstructionofeasttn.com/
H.R. & Lana Douglas
Platinum $2,500 - $4,999
Cumberland Gap Medical
Derrek & Andrea Bowman
The Volunteer Times http://www.thevolunteertimes.com/
Gold $1,000 - $2,499
Big O's
Cross-Smith Funeral Home https://www.cross-smithfuneralhome.com/
Fields Development
People's Bank of the South https://www.peoplesbanksouth.com/
Rocky Top Dentistry https://rockytopdentistry.com/
Springs Dock https://www.springsdock.com/
State Farm-Lynn Ray https://www.lynnrayinsurance.com/
Silver $500 - $999
Angel Donor
Ayers Auction and Real Estate https://www.ayersauctionrealty.com/
C&L Furniture http://www.candlfurniture.com/
Community Trust Bank https://www.ctbi.com/
Eagle Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing
First Volunteer Bank https://www.firstvolunteer.bank/
Galilee Bible Camp https://www.galileebiblecamp.org/
Grace Rehab https://gracerehab.biz/
Home Federal Bank https://www.homefederalbank.com/
In Honor of Faye Heatherly by Ann Ayers
In Honor of Mike Starrett by Jerri Starrett
Jeff Sweat-TVAMP https://www.tvamp.net/about/team/jeff-sweat/
Janelle Poland-Gables and Gates, Realtors https://gablesandgates.idxbroker.com/idx/agent/120954/janelle-poland
Lindsay's Carpet and Paint http://lindsayscarpetandpaint.com/
Megan Robbins-Realty Network Group
Sherry Mahar
Terry's Pharmacy https://www.terryspharmacy.com/
United Cumberland Bank https://www.unitedcumberland.com/
Bronze $250 - $499
Alco Builder's & Realty https://www.alcobuildersandrealty.com/
In Honor of Ann Smith by Elizabeth Asbury
Charley's Pizza
Community Family Dentistry
Hindman & Lanzon https://www.hindmanlaw.com/
JR's Tires https://www.jrstirestn.com/
Ken Goins Construction http://kengoinscontractors.com/
Lace to Pearls Boutique https://www.lacetopearlstn.com/
Shayne Sexton
Southern Sass Boutique
Walter's Funeral Home https://www.waltersfuneralhome.net/
Wender's Furniture
Special Recognition to Contributors
Andie's Signs and Designs
CCHS Culinary Arts Staff
Student Volunteers
The Stables