Campbell County Christian Learning Center
Released Time Bible Education
Thank you, 2023 Gala Agape Sponsors
Diamond $5,000 or more
Platinum $2,500 - $4,999
Dixie Roofing, Inc. - Mike Malicote
H.R. and Lana Douglas
Gold $1,000 - $2,499
Ayers Auction & Real Estate
Cox Construction
Cross Smith Funeral Home
Cumberland Gap Medical
First Baptist Church of LaFollette
First Baptist Church of Rocky Top
Peoples Bank of the South
Gables & Gates Realtors - Janelle Poland
Silver $500 - $999
Be.You.Tiful Medspa
Builtwell Bank
Community Trust Bank
East LaFollette Baptist Church
Hearthside Bank
Jason & Leslie Carson
LaFollette Utilities
Michael & Stacey Heatherly
Rhonda Longmire
Todd & Stacy Longmire
United Cumberland Bank
Wayne & Deana Barton
Bronze $300 - $499
Amanda Sammons
Chuck & Jennifer Queener
Citizens Bank
Daugherty Trucking Company
Eagle Tire Pros
Fincastle Church
Forks Grove Baptist Church
Henry & Ellen Saylor
Jack & Michele Lynch
Jerry & Gail Bowman
John & Margaret Faulkner
Joshua & Tina Johnson
Keith Turner
Larry & Christy Tanis
Lynn Ray State Farm
Margie Paul
Shayne & Lindy Sexton
Special Recognition to Contributors
Alan Miller
Forks Grove Singers
Common Ground Coffee Shop
Coolidge Baptist Church
Dennis & Tracy Powers
Ken & Malinda Yager
Hope & Stand Church
J.R. Kitts Tires
Billy & Jamie Ball
LaFollette Press
Laura Ann Ayers-Colvin
The Volunteer Times
Woodson's Cash Stores, Inc.
Serenity Spa
LaFollette Country Club
Lacy's Cakes
Deb Channiott
Lace to Pearls - Ashley Claiborne
Joey Kent
Addie & Odus Mundy
Manahouse Coffee
Mark Blakely
Donate by Credit Card, PayPal,
or Bank Transfer below.
PO Box 256
LaFollette, TN 37766
Phone: 423-377-5696
Tax return and 1023 are available upon request for public review at the Executive Director's office.